Mom of 2 and Foodaholic

New Year, New You

Like most people, I’m looking at January 1st as a fresh start. Over the holidays, I was on the struggle bus in terms of food and did not watch my diet at all. The scale not only noticed the change, but my clothes did too. I got to the point I wouldn’t step on the scale and lived in sweats and my biggest tshirts.

I refuse to step on the scale at this point and I’m trying to not obsess about the number. It only drives me crazy and I get to the point where I weigh myself 10+ times a day (how can THAT be good for anyone??). Enough. Of. That.

So starting January 1st, I am back on track for my life. I found the more prepared I am, the more successful I am. To get started, I google ‘printable calendar’ for whatever month I’m in, print it out and start filling in! This time I printed 2 – one for my meals, one for my workouts.


Like any busy mom, it can be so hard to find time to work out, so a quick and effective workout is what I look for. Plus I don’t have time to travel to the gym, so I need something I can do at home that doesn’t require a lot of equipment or space. My favorite at home work out is from BikiniBodyMommy. She has easy to follow workouts for REAL people and gives alternatives for different fitness levels.

Here’s my workout plan for the month:

I didn’t pre-plan any ‘rest’ days because I know there will end up being days here and there I just don’t get the workout in. If I then consider it my ‘rest’ day instead of a missed workout, I won’t beat myself up as much about it.

Meal Plan

And for the meals, here’s what that looks like:

There are lots of ‘leftover’ days with how much these meals make and I’m usually the only one eating it! So I end up making two meals – one for me, one for everyone else.

For breakfast and lunch, I like to keep it simple.

Breakfast Ideas:

Lunch Ideas:

Dinner Plans for the Month:


I think it’s inevitable there will be snacking between meals at some point. Some diets tell you it’s best to snack/eat a small meal every 3-4 hours, other diets say no snacking between meals. So which is right? I think it’s a great question, but there is no ONE right answer. I think everyone’s body is different and it also depends on your lifestyle. I think the best thing is to try out each method, tracking your progress, and see which seems to work better for you. But while we are talking about snacking, here is my plan for what to snack on if I need something between meals

We go on our Disney cruise at the end of February and I am determined to lose weight before that!!!

I will post periodic updates with progress, but I’m trying to focus more on how I FEEL than what that scale says. I have fibromyalgia and I have noticed a huge difference in how I feel since I haven’t watched it as closely. I have a lot more aches and pains so we will see how this next month goes.

What is your plan for the new year??

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