
Low Carb Tacos

I’ve been trying to eat healthier lately, and we all know what a challenge that can be – no matter what diet you choose to do. I had previously done Keto and lost and kept off a solid 20 lbs, but doing Keto was getting to be too difficult. I yo-yo but ultimately am back just doing low carb, not really Keto. If anything it’s a lazy/dirty Keto. But one thing I like is I can still make most of my favorite foods, albeit with a little tweaking. 

Tacos is one food that EVERYONE is this house loves – so it’s probably one of the most often made foods. There really isn’t a ‘recipe’ for them, I’ll just tell you how we like to make them. Typically we have all of the ingredients for tacos in the house at all times, so if there’s ever a night that I don’t know what to make, tacos it is! 

For tacos, we like to keep it simple. Fry up some hamburger (you can always use ground turkey or chicken for this as well) and when it’s done, we just use Tones Taco seasoning. You can get it at Sam’s Club super cheap if you have one near you. My husband doesn’t like them too ‘spicy’ so we only use about half of the seasoning it calls for. You can always create your own taco seasoning with cumin, cayenne pepper, etc if you are trying to decrease sodium as well. The taco seasoning is just so convenient and cheap, it’s what I like to use. 

To make the shells, just use cheese. I’ve made them two different ways. You can either use shredded cheese on the stove or sliced cheese in the oven. I’ve had them both ways a few different times, and I prefer to use shredded cheddar cheese cooked on top of the stove. Heat a pan over medium heat. Put in about 1/4 c cheese and let melt. It will bubble up. Once brown, flip over and cook til lightly browned. Then remove and drape it over something so you get that taco shape. I use a spatula and it seems to work well. For the shells in the oven, you are basically going to do the same thing – heat the cheese, then drape over something to get the taco shape. I’ve used provolone circles. Put them on parchment paper and in a preheated oven at 350 degrees. Bake for about 10 minutes until browned and bubbly. Remove and drape. Do it quickly because cheese sets up fast! 

Once I’ve got my shells done, I fill with meat, some Ortega taco sauce, lettuce (which I was out of tonight), and sour cream. Easy and simple. 

These are always a win for me, although I prefer the cheddar shells. Ignore the white spots on the plate – the dark dishwasher always seems to do it to plastic plates, and these are Tupperware too. 

This is such a versatile food, you can really make it however you like!   

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