
Week 3 Check In

I’ve now been on TruVision for 3 weeks. It has been one of the easiest weight loss programs I’ve ever been on and the weight just falls off. I’m still recovering from surgery, so I haven’t been able to work out AT ALL yet. It’s pretty impressive when you can lose weight while being laid up.

This week was not as difficult since there weren’t any special events to have to prepare for or attend. You don’t realize how non diet friendly food is at get-togethers until you are watching what you eat. If I’m lucky, most of them only have some veggies or fruit tray. And most fruit is not low carb, it’s not an ideal choice for me – so that basically leaves just veggies. Not exactly a big variety!

And how for the results:

Starting Weight: 308.8 lbs
Current Weight: 293.8 lbs
Loss to date: 15 lbs!

Starting overall inches: 489.7 inches
Current overall inches: 478.5 inches
Loss to date: 11.2 inches!

Not to shabby for starting on 9/21 with TruVision. I’ve had way less cravings (hardly any actually) and my appetite is very decreased from what it used to be. Sometimes I actually have to remind myself to eat because I’m just not really hungry. Fingers crossed next week will be just as good! Don’t take my word for it, try TruVision for yourself!


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