
Week 3 Check In

I’ve now been on TruVision for 3 weeks. It has been one of the easiest weight loss programs I’ve ever been on and the weight just falls off. I’m still recovering from surgery, so I haven’t been able to work out AT ALL yet. It’s pretty impressive when you can lose weight while being laid up.

This week was not as difficult since there weren’t any special events to have to prepare for or attend. You don’t realize how non diet friendly food is at get-togethers until you are watching what you eat. If I’m lucky, most of them only have some veggies or fruit tray. And most fruit is not low carb, it’s not an ideal choice for me – so that basically leaves just veggies. Not exactly a big variety!

And how for the results:

Starting Weight: 308.8 lbs
Current Weight: 293.8 lbs
Loss to date: 15 lbs!

Starting overall inches: 489.7 inches
Current overall inches: 478.5 inches
Loss to date: 11.2 inches!

Not to shabby for starting on 9/21 with TruVision. I’ve had way less cravings (hardly any actually) and my appetite is very decreased from what it used to be. Sometimes I actually have to remind myself to eat because I’m just not really hungry. Fingers crossed next week will be just as good! Don’t take my word for it, try TruVision for yourself!


Week 2 Check In

I’m now checking in at the end of week 2. This week was little tougher as it was my nieces first birthday party and parties usually mean non-healthy food and sweet treats choc full of sugar and carbs. I also had a vendor event I participated in with no carry in food allowed, so I couldn’t make something and take it, I had to get something there.

Both of these are not every day occurrences, but they do happen frequently. Times like this can make it easy to fall off the ‘diet’ and it takes a a good amount of self control to steer clear of all the temptations.

I, for one, am not always able to resist. My sister in law is a darn good baker and she made some homemade butterscotch (my fav!) bars, brownies, and chocolate muffins for my sweet nieces 1 year birthday party.


Thankfully, we got to the party late so most of the stuff was picked over, but she had loads of dessert left. She cut the butterscotch bars pretty small, so I did treat myself to one and it was a perfect mix of sweet and salty.

butterscotch bars

I did feel a little guilt for eating it, but it was SO good. And I haven’t had any cheats since I started. I was worried how it was going to impact my check in today though. When I stepped on the scale, I hadn’t lost as much as I was hoping, but it was still down, so that’s a win!

Starting Weight: 308.8 lbs
Current Weight: 297.2 lbs
Total lost: 11.6 lbs

Starting Total Inches: 489.7
Current Inches: 481
Total Inches Lost: 8.7

I’m far from where I want to be, but I’m headed in the right direction. And I know the TruVision I take is helping me. I do not have the cravings I used to, I don’t snack like I used it, and I certainly don’t eat the portions I used to. You can feel free to give it a try by going here: http://yabboutique.truvisionhealth.com/trynow

I have tried so many diet/weight loss/health products over the years, but this combined with a healthier diet is definitely helping. This is also WITHOUT doing any exercise. I’m currently laid up from foot surgery, so I can’t be as active as I would like to be right now. I’m proof that just because you can’t be physically active, doesn’t mean you can’t lose weight. Your diet is a big part of the battle.

If I can do it, so can you!

Here is me and the sweet birthday girl (daddy was trying to bribe her with pizza to smile at the camera) and my brothers, my sister in law, niece, and me. As you can see, I come from a family that tends to be overweight, we have all struggled with it our entire lives. Hopefully if they see my success with this product, I can help them be healthier as well!

Feel free to share your thoughts below! I love to hear from you 😉

Week 1 Check In

It’s been just over a week since I started on TruVision. Sunday’s are my check-in days, so today I weighed and measured myself, and I was pleasantly surprised! I started TruVision on 9/21/18 weighing in at 308.8 lbs and an overall 489.7 inches. Today, 9/30/18, I weighed in at 298.4 lbs and an overall 483.5 inches. That’s a total loss of 10.4 lbs and 6.2 inches in just a little over a week!!! The craziest part is, I didn’t exercise AT ALL. I’m actually still recovering from surgery on my Achilles tendon and can’t walk well and without crutches or using a knee roller. I need to take it easy and keep my foot elevated as much as I can, so exercise wasn’t even an option. I have changed my diet to try to not eat as many carbs. Now somedays, I did still eat quite a few, but the majority of the days between weigh ins, I tried to make smart, low carb/low sugar choices. Other than that, I didn’t change anything. I did notice that with taking the TruVision, I didn’t seem to be as hungry and wasn’t snacking all day or eating large portions. So far I’m going to call it a success, but I have a LONG way to go. If you’d like to give it a try, you can go to my website here:  yabboutique.truvisionhealth.com/trynow
Long way to go, but just getting started!

Battle of the Diets

Like most people in this world, I am constantly battling one diet or another. Or should I say ‘lifestyle change’. Whatever you want to call it, I’m just going to say it, it sucks. Not being able to eat what you want and when you want – whether you are counting carbs, calories, points, or whatever method of dieting you choose, it just plain sucks. I’ve been dieting on and off for the last 20 years and have tried most of them out there. Since I’m still overweight, it’s clearly not worked out well for me. I’m a yo-yo’er. I’ve never lost more than 50lbs, but every time I lose, I seem to gain it back plus more. 

This constant battle seems to dictate a lot of things in my life. I’ve been overweight since I was a child, but of course I wasn’t as heavy as I thought I was back then. Every time I gain weight, I keep thinking why I was complaining so much when I weighed less and I would be so much happier if my weight would just go back down to what it was. But is that number on the scale what is really going to decide my happiness? No, probably not, but it would be less stress on my body. 

So in an attempt to lose weight right now, I’ve started taking TruVision. I’ve seen lots of success stories and decided to give it a go. Is it going to work? I don’t know, but I’m hopeful. If you look hard enough, you can find successes and failures with any diet or supplement. I’ve tried and failed at most of them. I’m trying to do my research with this one and watch what I eat while also trying to be more active. I created a spreadsheet to monitor my measurements and my weight to see how and so far I’ve lost almost 10 lbs. Hopefully it will continue, but I guess we will just have to wait and see. If you want to check out TruVision, you can do so by going here: http://yabboutique.truvisionhealth.com and if you want to just try a sample, let me know and we can make that happen. Fingers crossed it keeps working and I’ll post updates here periodically.

Eating Healthy with Picky Eaters

I’m fairly certain I’m not the only one here that has family that includes picky eaters. Personally, I’ll try almost anything and I love fruits and vegetables, although I don’t always eat them as often as I should. My husband, on the other hand, is the pickiest eater of them all. His diet basically consists of meat, potatoes, pasta, and dessert – no fruit, no vegetables (other than the potatoes). My children don’t have a very expansive list of foods they will eat, but there are at least some fruits/veggies on them. My son definitely takes after my husband and I can’t count the amount of times I’ve heard ‘I don’t like that’ before they’ve even tried a bite. My daughter is more like me and will at least try something. Tonight was one of those nights she tried something new. Tonight I made Lemon Garlic Butter Steak with Zucchini Noodles (you can find the recipe I used here: https://www.eatwell101.com/garlic-butter-steak-and-zucchini-noodles-recipe). While mine wasn’t as pretty as the picture, it tasted amazing. When you get a thumbs up from your three year old daughter and she says ‘that’s really good’, it’s a good feeling knowing she is loving food that is good for her. It’s hard getting kids to eat and like healthy food, especially when you have a kiddo that likes to eat sweets and junk. I try not to keep too much in the house since I’m trying to lose weight, but that is what the husband eats, so it makes it a little more difficult.
Reducing the liquid while it was cooking
Ready to eat!
While the food was really good, I would make a couple modifications to the recipe. It seemed way too oily, so I would definitely cut back on that. I would even add a little more sriracha to the marinade. If you don’t like the heat, you can cut back on that and the red pepper flakes. You can definitely taste the lemon in this too. If you don’t like lemon, cut back on it. It could use more garlic though, the amount the recipe called for wasn’t enough for me. Another thing to note is that it definitely takes more than 15 minutes from start to finish, so the title is a little misleading. First off, you have the marinate the steak for 30 minutes and then you’re supposed to let it sit and get to room temp before cooking, plus you have to spiralize 4 zucchini. So unless you’re a super chef with the ability to stop time, it’s not going to happen in 15 minutes. Total I think it took more like an hour for me. Overall it was a really good recipe and I would make it again.