
Week 5 Check In

Well, I survived a girls night out and still made progress this week! I didn’t get my weekly check in up on Sunday like I normally do since I wasn’t home, but here it is now!!

This week flew by as they all seem to do and I was a little nervous about going out to dinner and a movie with a friend and then having a vendor event all day the next day. One thing that really helped is I prepared ahead of time. I knew where we were going to go to eat, so I looked up the menu online to figure out what my Keto friendly options were so it made it easier to pick something to eat that night.

For the vendor event, I again prepared ahead of time and took some keto friendly snacks with me from my Keto Krate. Being prepared saved me from a lot of temptations (like the double chocolate brownies) at the event. Instead, to curb a sweet tooth, I ate some sugar free Hemp Brittle from Curly Girlz Candy. You’d never know it’s sugar free!

So after all that, here was my results:

Starting Weight: 308.8 lbs
Last week check-in: 292.8 lbs
This week check-in: 291.0 lbs
Loss for the week: 1.8 lbs
Overall loss since 9/21: 17.8 lbs

Starting overall inches: 489.7 inches
Last week check-in: 468.7 inches
This week check in: 466.4 inches
Loss for the week: 2.3 inches
Overall loss since 9/21: 23.3 inches

That’s pretty impressive for only 5 weeks!! I wouldn’t be able to do it without the help of truVISION. It’s such a simple program. Just two pills, twice a day! Can’t wait to see what next week brings! The 280’s are so close I can almost taste it!